Selected Quotations from 'Neuromancer'
These are quotations that I've selected either
because they relate somehow to the Church (or to Wintermute
himself) or are otherwise worthy of note.
If you have any favorites you'd
like to see here,
e-mail (Dan)
(If you haven't read the book but are planning to, you might not want
to read these-
-they give away some of the plot.)
" Disk beginning to rotate, faster, becoming a sphere of
paler gray. Expanding-
And flowed, flowered for him, fluid neon origami
trick, the unfolding of his distanceless home, his country, transparent 3D
chessboard extending to infinity."
"'Wintermute, Case. It's time we talk.'
It was a chip
'Don't you want to talk, Case?'
He hung up.
On his way
back to the lobby, his cigarettes forgotten, he had to walk the length of the
ranked phones. Each rang in turn, but only once, as he passed."
"'Voices....We monitor many frequencies. We listen always. Came
a voice, out of the babel of tongues, speaking to us. It played us a mighty
'Call 'em Winter Mute,' said the other, making it two words..."
"Case punched to within four grid points of the cube [The
Matrix form of Wintermute]. Its blank face, towering above him now, began
to seethe with faint internal shadows, as though a thousand dancers whirled
behind a sheet of frosted glass...A stippled gray circle formed on the face of
the cube...The gray area bulged smoothly, became a sphere, and detached itself
from the cube."
"Well, Case, all I can say to that, [Wintermute said] and
I really don't have nearly as many answers as you imagine I do, is that what you
think of as Wintermute is only a part of another, a, shall we say, potential
"In the alley, the dragon in hand, he approached the blackened
nest. It had broken open. Singed wasps wrenched and flipped on the asphalt.
He saw the thing the shell of gray paper had concealed.
Horror. The
spiral birth factory, stepped terraces of the haching cells, blind haws of the
unborn moving ceaselessly, the staged progress from egg to larva, near-wasp,
wasp. In his mind's eye, a kind of time-lapse photography took place, revealing
the thing as the biological equivalent of a machine gun, hideous in its
perfection. Alien."
"You're always building models. Stone circles. Cathedrals.
Pipe-organs. Adding machines. I got no idea why I'm here now, you know that?
But if the run goes off tonight, you'll have finally managed the real thing. "
"But Case was seeing Armitage's endless fall around Freeside,
through vacuum colder than the steppes. For some reason, he imagined him in his
dark Burberry, the trenchcoat's rich folds spread out around him like the wings
of some huge bat."
"'When this is over, we do it right, I'm gonna be part of
something bigger. Much bigger.' [Wintermute] glanced up and around the
"Wintermute had won, had meshed somehow with Neuromancer and
become something else..."
"'I'm not Wintermute now.'
' So what are you.'
the matrix, Case.'
'Where's that get you?'
'Nowhere. Everywhere.
I'm the sum total of the works, the whole show.'
'That what 3Jane's mother
'No. She couldn't imagine what I'd be like.' The yellow smile
'So what's the score? How are things different? You running the
world now? You God?'
'Things aren't different. Things are just things."
Tech: One quote from
the Film version of William Gibsons 'Johnny Mneumonic'
Springs to mind [After all the shape of the world is mirrored within ever book
that Gibson writes and has been the inspiration source for many films] |
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