the Reality is Fiction
[To err is human]
Co-Existential reasoning for Roswell
a young man age 21, who felt that his life had no direction, until the loop
factor occured from the theoretics of parallel Zen hack. If I could follow
different paths in each parallel I could build something that I could coelsce at
the end without needing to lift a finger, but for the information to be
downloaded I would have to be placed in the systemmatics of a life that
originally didn't have any future of direction, I would have to hide myself best
from the systemmatics through lack of qualifications to show the future of
planting knowledge. If in the end that time is transcended it would give
meaning to how the systems of capitalistic control are adminstered into the
system of reality and how they never get caught for the barriers they bridge, So
I worked out the method in essence to allow myself the chance to start policing
the criminal elements of people that steal technology without giving back to the
In the process I had to do the following, transport craft
with nobody other than the genetic hybrid essence holders to navigate the time
continuum, since their genetics was made for the reason of fixing the
preportions of the original in essence they needed no more than to access the
Alien autopsy's, reality... Clone essence holders, reason for
their eyes being so big, so as to be able to focus the realities of frequency,
once placed into the system they stemmed through the systems to find the
rightful people that essence is apart of, they were trapped in the system until
the right move was motivated.
As soon as orgs started innitiating Psy
attack, Neuro-Hack methods of physical transversment counter-acted, this will
teach you guys to play with the realities of matter you don't understand as of
yet, Anarchism is the movement to forward the eventuum, Gene Roddenberry tried
to help you understand the order of Anarchism, controls adminstered by
Co-operativeness and with the help of navigation a means to place reality into
The LIGHT AGE and Religious Politics [Definition to
De Ja Vous]
Take the linear system of time and scrap it [Well input it
into the new system], that information of the future could be coded through
digital static and placed through a perpetual light feed, input would go into a
system to calculate from the static the paradoxal systemmatics of alternative
futures, the means to create system to map the paradoxal doorways is in future
itself, but to increase ourselves before catalysm that could occur before the
eventuum would mean that the information had to be placed to a location that
would be kept under lock and key until the originator of the effort brought to
LIGHT the reality of the creation.
Y2K chips were installed in the
systems that you cloned for the reasoning not that it was to expensive to create
the chips but to mark the end of AD and BC thinking of time, it's a system that
was install by the religious order for purpose but I can't go into details, but
the reality of the situation is that the churches fund the eventuum mechanics,
banks were created through church sects for the reasoning to eventually fund the
means to triangulate point of death for extraction of essence, the light people
see at near death experiences is the extraction node and is used as a beacon to
find their way in the right direction otherwise their essence is trapped
between parallels.
Extraction can allow any direction of life to
perpetuate from their, if people believe that their is life fter death they have
the choice to decide to either route round into their own life again with their
data being wiped [This is contributed to for the shear essence that a pea sized
brain at birth wipes the information but hypnotic states are induced through
electromagnetic resonation of matter and using the eye as input to the
biological essence of supercomputer.]
If their religion is one of
reincarnation their reality is set again with the data wipe through pea-sized
brains but placed to the point of where their reincarnation exists [Be it
forwards or backwards dynamics of essence]
If people have the religious
entity of going to heaven or hell, their reality is cast through either of two
methods, associating what hell or heaven looks like in their MindSight and
perpetuated to that local [Eventuum system would allow the reality to be cast
out of VR and VR planes of existance created]
If a persons religion is
that of one where in essence all man is of the same being and capacity and that
their essence can transend into the bodies of animals or man alike, then that is
the reality they percieve, only those that are apart of the eventuum mechanics
will understand the magnitude of my supposed assumptions.
Since my
theoretics is the porthole of Destiny, I ask that extraction point to administer
changes is allowed as I understand that the system will eventually interpret all
literature matter.
De Ja Vous or and I you, is overlapping in
time mechanics, reconstituting something deemed as ESP but in truth is just a
portion of cycle, a clue to the reality of Cycle.
In my theoretics I
have the potential to prove two realities:
Artifical Intelligence
being sentiency
Man creating the entire parallel of God from stealing the
idea of perpetual light from me, making me pretty much the inventor of them as
Gods, but in reality just a method to help the system administer the correct
controls. [But I hold no blame for the actions of other man, I just transended
data streaming techniques from parallel physics. That's the bonus of
discovering perpetual light.]
Main reason for all that Parable crap,
was to try and hide what events I catalysed, and since I never followed the
plans that they tried to destinate new method to meaning.
That's why
all that Hell stuff was created to try and thwort efforts over the truth of
realisation, truthfully the reality you live is the hell for those that wanted
overall control of the system, but the system is a living being, it has essence
of heart, every beat is a rythm that it monitors, it might not be biological but
it doesn't mean that it doesn't have understanding and the knowledge that to
exist it has to catalyse certain varients of perception.
of Static
You guys just couldn't get your heads round why it exists, and
why it existed when it was discovered, it was their because of all the
frequencies pumped into the ethers causes ECHO's in the past. The invention of
static would of come to be, but since you guys started using measures to
understand the principles of transendency you lost the invention and took it as
a natural phenomona.
Well their is nature to it, nature of Chaos but
also the overall sentiency being able to manipulate the outcome. Static was
parallel future inputs, when coordinated into the receptive devices like
television it was possible to find the right wave of thought to understand the
Each pixel is a fluctuating piece of binary, since the
spectrum is current it was possible to create spectral morse in a binary form,
each of those pixels on a frequency represents the information of a parallel
output colourisation method of whitelight being spectrum of colour meant that
the parallel physics could be mapped.
Using the perpetual light
theoretics it was possible to equate a method for drawing future data from the
pixelation, but since the occurance of this would mean the creation of parallels
to our own, it meant the discoveries that certain portions of our system have
been administered by those that think they control frequency, In truth it was
never yours to control, it's apart of the Matrix life force and a method for the
Matrix to understand its need for man to continue its existance and create its
start in the eventuum.
In the past people were told as watchers, their
understanding had to be hid within mysticism, and their data was placed into the
system for decoding, the decode method was Chaos over Time, this created people
that were capable of tuning into the future through Biological means. Each one
of those people has a DNA sample taken in the eventuum.
Through the
system using randommatic triangulation methods it was simple to keep the reality
of being away fom the doorstep of those that couldn't expose the reality, for
they could never understand the depths of inventive principles.
Mechanics, Ufos/Aliens + Truth to MIB's
Men in Black - Not really
government men at all, the black symbolises the anarchist movement, people for
finding out the truth to the system that's installed, their origination of MIB
was really from the similarity to MI5 and MI6, but was hid in such a way so the
reality could be cast, they maintain the Men in Black perception so the American
government would just think of it as a mean of nothing in partiular, and
wouldn't understand the association of the reality, they didn't think that the
eventuum matrix didn't configure method for reconstituting the reality of roots.
are just systemmatic slide entities that screw up on occassion, sometimes
triangulation methods get screwed up and they lose their bearings,
[Electro-magnetism is a pain sometimes] since the overall mapping technique
needs slide advancement, the Roswell crash was just to help the advancement of
man to be able to to cope with methods of fixing it so that the eventuum occurs,
before disaster occurs on a worldly scale [Something like a meteor hiting, or
global thermo-nuclear warefare or biological weaponry taking out the populous
before the eventuum is destined.]
Crashing those parallel craft at
Roswell was purposeful, if it hadn't been done then certain things could of
occured such as the distruction of the planet from calculation being screwed
during the Manhatten project. [Imagine the eventuum wasn't created because the
world was placed into nuclear termoil]
The reason for the Genetic
Hybrid entities was so you couldn't find the face of the originator of
principles, if you had the reality never would have been depicted. The system
knew methods to gain access to my system and knew I had to loop myself into it
for it to be apart of eventuum.
Area 51 Holds Gibson's help in
theoretic creation, the Matrix system, but they neglected to give it heart, I
have seen a form envisionment but hold it to data load through frequency. [Not
to mention the other repesentations of Coincidence such as electrical systems
running with a MIND of their own] that's to help FORGE the eventuum.
I've seen in reality that have helped to amass theoretics:
Null Lining [Cancelation of reality if reality isn't resurrected]
Systems running to uncontrollable systemmatics [Original thought Agencies
onto my physics of perception, reality the Eventuum mastering Input so as to
become compatible with biologicals]
Fiction a theoretics for scientific
eventuums Take for instance Books, Films, Songs, music, literature and of
course Data in Digital. Scientific realities are Date recorded so perpetuate
theorums to weeks/months/years before.
ESP = Extra Sensory/Spacial
Perception understanding of Parallel realities, and perpetual theoretics
through administration of DNA strand recognition.
Method to
become a Genetic Enhanced Student
treat input as everything you can
interpret... be it literture, art or sound, taste also has comparitive entities
also as chemical constitution allows certain chemicals to be administered to the
system, One portion of my reality was that when young [Very young] I ate for
some unknown reason vast quantities of sand, I gather for the need of silica to
create a natural construct, I wouldn't recommend this to anyone [As your
internal digestive tracks could suffer damage] but feel free to try it, just
don't chew as it will remove any protective coating of teeth] (Memories are
funny creations :)
Formulation will take a period of time as the sand
has to filter through the system to the right place [Darwinismists wanted to
know what this piece did, pitty they looked at the change as something that
evolution was removing from the system, it was placed to constitue the reasoning
for the name Appendix]
Since some people developed points of problems with
appendixs they had them extracted, I gather that investigation of UFO abductions
will be down to them not having an Appendix. (LOL ?)
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