Technocratics the Reality is Fiction
[To err is human]

Diagrammatic Account of the realities of the system

This image was just to show how the system works, our essence of existance is hiding behind the shroud of Perpetual Light travel, They lie to us to continue administering ways of making them money, I really don't think it's fair for the people to take from the system in a capitalistic sense as it corrupts in essence method for individuals to grant the world higher access.

Using calculations in the linear movement it's possible to find the points that the earth was at prior to this point and triangulate a possibility of sending data via static to the location, you will notice the image above is very basic and cuts out the other planets for now, the green circle is the earth and the orange one the sun, the system works like this Triangulate the Satellites at the point of time in 1998 and jump the data from 1999. [Dipicted Data Overlay]

The linear cycle since 365¼ days, means that every year that passes the earth drifts a little in direction from the first trajectory.

Alternative Parallel Loop Factor [X Factor]

The above diagram shows the possibilities of parallels, Following Explaination for Roswell (Fiction?):

I in the future find method for transversing matter in the form of Craft back to the past through Mass Acceleration, I unfortunately Don't remember doing so as I create an alternative timeline where governing bodies cover the truth up and I end up with the system maintain means of making sure that I don't do it again, They steal the technology and keep it for their own, I'm none the wiser as I don't see the thing I created as my way of life is steered [By controls] in a different direction.

This is why I say there is no means to truly patent something as it can be altered to be stolen, my thoughts I have and had I continue to find that somebody down the line has already come to the same conclusion, Coincidence? or Mass coverup over how the electro-system has been monitored in such a way as to steal information placed into the frame work in such a way that average people don't understand their method.

Of course don't fear the Digital system as in the end it's the saviour of us all [In calculate hypothesis's]

I will be happy to work with coordination on the perpetual light system as I understand my principles but need to add the edge of technocratism in the workings of the system, If I can safely create the system it will be possible to speed the rate of growth for man rather than allowing those capitalistic slime bags steal any more theoretics or realities from individuals. I've seen method for removing threats without harming people, fixing problems without need for warring barriers and how to administrate a method of Artificial Intelligence Programming Relay, using light trejectroy methods to enduce a method for a info download of futuristique preportion, I have but the image of the dream and can paint the picture, but I need the help of those that want to fix the messes of the reality.

Some would class this as a religious experience, but to others they know only too well its the future in a packet of data.

Callout to Originator of Essence:
Biologically its possible to encrypt information through the varying light feeds of the frequency of monitors, sine the essence of a monitor is the light being accelarated through the use of vacuum, and electromagnetic cores it's possible to deduce that the light coming out is to rebound a spectral analysis of what information can be captivated. Thus parallel physics of the interpreters of certain preportionary pieces to the parallel could induce the realities to coincide. Namely the Monitor is named that for a reason, along with the Transistor and Capacitor and the entire mechanics behind circuitry, just what to do with what I've found?.

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